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From: "Chris Purdie" <nstn3465@fox.nstn.ca>
To: lightwave@webcom.com
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 1995 14:06:27 -0400
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Subject: Morphing
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I am having a slight problem with creating morphing objects...
I created a logo that had a "ribbon" at the bottom of it. The ribbon curls
and bends at the ends, so to get the texture map to go on it properly I
decided to have a flat strip morph in to the curly one. Now, when I
created the flat strip in modeller I saved it as the initial object. No
problems there... but I made a copy of the object, and started bending and
twisting it etc. Now, I occasionally made copies of the new ribbon in case
I made a mistage, and I checked it after the first few bends to make sure
it was fine when it was morphed in Layout. After a bit more, I made a
mistake so I went back to one of the copies I ahve made (in another
layer), but when I loaded this object in layout it would not morph with
the original object. No matter what I would do it would not morph. But if
I kept owrking with the originall it would morph fine.
Now my question is, is there a way around this. I would like to be able to
have a copy of the morph object available, but they never mprph properly.
Working on the original was fine, as long as I didn't make a mistake
becasue I would have to start over. I am about to start an object that is
a little more complex to morph and don't want to have to only work from
original without stopping. Is there anything I can do or am I missing
Thanks for the help!
"Chris Purdie" <nstn3465@fox.nstn.ca> sent this message.
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